keep time — {v. phr.} 1. To show the right time. * /My watch has not kept good time since I dropped it./ 2. To keep the beat; keep the same rhythm; keep in step. * /Many people are surprised at how well deaf people keep time with the music when they dance./ … Dictionary of American idioms
keep time — {v. phr.} 1. To show the right time. * /My watch has not kept good time since I dropped it./ 2. To keep the beat; keep the same rhythm; keep in step. * /Many people are surprised at how well deaf people keep time with the music when they dance./ … Dictionary of American idioms
keep time — 1. To observe rhythm accurately, or along with others 2. (of a clock or watch) to go accurately • • • Main Entry: ↑keep keep time 1. To run accurately, like a clock (also keep good time) 2. To move or perform in the same rhythm 3. To record times … Useful english dictionary
keep time — ► keep time play or accompany music in time. Main Entry: ↑time … English terms dictionary
keep\ time — v. phr. 1. To show the right time. My watch has not kept good time since I dropped it. 2. To keep the beat; keep the same rhythm; keep in step. Many people are surprised at how well deaf people keep time with the music when they dance … Словарь американских идиом
keep time — 1) show the right time My new watch keeps perfect time so I am very happy. 2) keep the beat, keep the same rhythm It is difficult for him to keep time with the other members of the band but at least he tries … Idioms and examples
keep time — 1) if a clock keeps good time, it always shows the correct time 2) music if a musician keeps time, they play a piece of music at the correct speed and beat 3) if you keep time for a musician, you show them what the correct speed and beat are for… … English dictionary
keep time — 1. to stay even with a musical beat. Many in the crowd swayed and kept time to the music by tapping their feet. 2. to record how long something has taken. When I go running I like to keep time on my watch … New idioms dictionary
keep time — play or rhythmically accompany music in time. → time … English new terms dictionary
keep time — idi a) to record time, as a watch or clock does b) to mark or observe the tempo, as by performing rhythmic movements … From formal English to slang
keep — [kēp] vt. kept, keeping [ME kepen < OE cœpan, to behold, watch out for, lay hold of, akin to MLowG kapen, ON kopa, to stare at < ? IE base * ĝab , to look at or for] 1. to observe or pay regard to; specif., a) to observe with due or… … English World dictionary